Kim Kardashian: Why The Extraordinary Copycat Should Be Wary Of Caitlyn Jenner - The Inquisitr


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Kim Kardashian has a long history of copying other celebrities’ antics. In the beginning, she stole the idea of sex tapes from her mentor and BFF, Paris Hilton. That’s how she became famous, says Mamamia, as follows.

“She [Kim Kardashian] followed a similar method of fame procurement: before the launch of KUWTK, Kardashian’s sex tape leaked, just as Paris Hilton’s had before the launch of A Simple Life.”

Apparently, Kim Kardashian learned rapidly from the Diary of An Heiress author’s tutelage as the source quotes Kim as saying the following.

“We knew exactly where to go, where to be seen, how to have something written about you. All you had to do is go to this restaurant, or this party, talk about whatever you want to talk about, and it would be in the paper the next day.”

Mamamia goes about how Paris Hilton passed on the torch of being famous to her assistant, who is now formally known as Kim Kardashian West since she married rapper extraordinaire Kanye West on May 24, 2014, in a lavish ceremony that was covered by E! News.

How time flies. It’s been about a decade since Paris passed on the baton of fame to her stylist, whom she has openly criticized with the following harsh words.

“I wouldn’t want my bum to look like Kim’s because it reminds me of cottage cheese inside a trash bag.”

Do you know how much that criticism has affected Kim Kardashian West? To-date, she is so paranoid about keeping her derriere big and tight with injections, say the Toronto Sun. If you still don’t believe how much work has gone into transforming the “cottage cheese” into a work of art, check out OK! Magazine’s pictorial on the transformation of the Kardashian’s butt.

Selfish in Mexico

A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on

So what is the most famous of all celebrities up to now? Oh, this is is so predictable. Where else but the beach? Check out Us Weekly’s recent article. Kim Kardashian West not only shows off one of her best assets, she also takes after the beach scenes of Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston; and, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom’s CFNM (Clothed Female, Naked Male), Mediterranean beach style. The Kardashian just has to have her own beach scene.

If you are in doubt about her motives, do examine Kim Kardashian West’s “where to go, where to be seen” quote above. As her sister Khloe says, Kim has everything planned to the last detail. And so when she said she launched #KimExposedTaylorSwiftParty because she was so “sick and tired” of people berating her husband, there ought to be another reason.

The Keeping Up With The Kardashians (KUWTK) second-in-command (second only to momager Kris Jenner) also said recently that she was sick and tired of people accusing her that she didn’t have a real pregnancy because she did a pictorial blackout of the entire period — selfie queen that she is. And the worst thing about it was the Kim Kardashian West diatribe dropped when there was hardly any trending rumor about the matter.

Surely, if there was, she could have easily floated the rumors herself based on what she says regarding how she can control the press like a puppet master. So be very wary when Kim Kardashian West opens her mouth to say she’s sick and tired or fed up with something, as she does in an interview with The Daily Caller.

That’s your cue that she’s cooking up something. But then again, now that the word is out, Kim Kardashian is most likely to change her tactic.

Now here’s why the master illusionist Kim Kardashian West should be very wary of Caitlyn Jenner, her stepmother/stepfather. It’s not that Caitlyn’s popularity is on the rise. On the contrary, her reality show, I Am Cait just got axed due to low ratings, according to Daily Mail. Rather, it’s Kanye’s growing attraction for Cait, as hinted by momager Kris Jenner herself.

In a sneak peak of the July 17 episode of KUWTK, People quotes the Kardashian matriarch as telling her daughter Kim the following regarding the upcoming launch of the full-blown “Famous” MTV by Kanye.

“I think he’s [Kanye] obsessed with Caitlyn though.”

And Kim Kardashian responds quickly to defend her husband: “He just likes people that are authentic, that do what they want to do.”

Oh really now? Mothers know best. What does Kris Jenner do on July 15, that is, less than two days before the #KimExposedTaylorSwiftParty scandal? She has an interview with an Australian radio station where she stresses the virtues of Taylor Swift, based on a Daily Mail report. The next thing you know, the “Shake It Off” singer is under attack from the Kim Kardashian and Kanye West camp (i.e., Kimye). Surely, there is no better proof of how much momager disapproves of her son-in-law.

Apparently, Kris Jenner can see a lot of things that her daughter, Kim Kardashian West is just not seeing regarding her husband. Or is Kim just deliberately turning a blind eye to the whole thing? You be the judge.

[Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images]
