How to Step Off a Plane Looking As Fresh As Jennifer Lopez, According to Her Makeup Artist - Travel+Leisure


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Just like our parents always told us, life is not fair. Ice cream has calories, money doesn't grow on trees, and Jennifer Lopez is immune to the process of aging. 

The actress/singer/dancer/mom/superhuman is 47 years old, and she looks amazing every time she's spotted in the world mingling with the rest of us regular people.

As if that wasn't bad enough, she even looks perfect in the least flattering of situations. 

This is what she looks like in a "food coma" on Thanksgiving.

This is what she looks like walking down the street on a freezing winter day.

This is what she looks like on a casual night just lounging around with the kids.

Me and my baby

A photo posted by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) on Oct 7, 2016 at 11:24am PDT

But before you spiral into a fit of jealousy-fueled rage, we have some good news. No, we can't help you look like a celebrity after you eat a pound of turkey, but we can help you channel your inner J.Lo after a long flight. 

Makeup artist Kate Best, whose clients include Lopez and another fountain of youth patron, 52-year-old actress Vanessa Williams, shared her in-flight beauty tricks with MailOnline, and they may just change the way you travel forever.

Some of these tricks are easy, like putting your hair in a bun, ditching your pre-flight makeup, and drinking extra water.

"The best way to avoid getting off the plane with your hair looking like a bird's nest is to tie it up in a ballet-bun on top of your head when you board," Best said. "It won't pick up any grease from your face and keeps it under control so you can just shake it out upon landing."

She advises you remove any makeup with a "mild cleansing wipe" upon taking your seat, because it won't last and will just dry you out.

But here's where a little extra effort is required.

After cleaning your face, Best recommends applying a SKII Facial Hydrating Mask. Even model Chrissy Teigen devoted herself to these after hearing J.Lo uses them. 

They go for a steep $17 per sheet, but you can also pick up a $6 version at Sephora.

Other products to pack in your carry-on bag? A refreshing toner to spray on your face post-mask, anti-aging cream, eye cream and lip balm.

Best says you should try to nap, of course, but if you really want to do it like a star, she recommends a "silk eye mask and even a pillow case if possible. It's the gentlest on your skin." (Kim Kardashian has been known to travel with a silk pillowcase in hand.)

All these lotions and silk sound super glamorous, but looking red carpet-ready is not all fun and games. 

"Drinking alcohol–sadly–accelerates the skin dehydration process ten-fold," Best said. "I stick to hot water with lemon." 

Consider your buzz officially killed.

If you follow all of these tips, chances are you'll feel like an A-lister by the time you're retrieving your suitcase from the baggage carousel. But if you really want to go all in–maybe there's someone special waiting at arrivals, wink, wink–there's one final step.

Just before landing, Best says you should "nip to the loo"– that's British speak for run to the bathroom–and "brush your teeth and use eye drops to take down any redness."

Then you can let your hair down, use another cleansing wipe on your face and dab off any oil with a tissue before starting her on-the-go makeup routine with a primer and some "dewy foundation."

"Dab some concealer under the eyes, and sweep a black eyeliner from the outer to the inner edge of the eyes. Then, a lick of mascara and some lip balm and you're ready to disembark," she said.

And if all else fails, there's one accessory no celebrity nor experienced traveler exits a plane without: a good pair of sunglasses. Just don't blame us when the paparazzi bombard you at the gate.
