Beyoncé's Makeup Artist Shows Us How To Do The Perfect Cat Eye - Huffington Post


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Sir John is responsible for some of Beyoncé’s most iconic looks ― the Met Gala, Lemonade, the entire Formation tour, to name just a few.

We were lucky enough to have him come into the HuffPost offices and chat with us about working with some of the biggest names in music, fashion and beyond. 

He also answered a ton of beauty questions and demonstrated how to do an easy and flawless cat eye.

Here are some things we learned:

1) Want to make your makeup last all day? Practice duality.

“Whenever you’re using a cream foundation, use a powder foundation. Whenever you’re using a cream eye shadow or gel eye shadow, make sure you top it with a powder. Whenever you have that duality, that double layer, you get a Teflon face.”

2) Need to get rid of under-eye circles? Get movin’.

“Whenever you have dark circles under your eyes, all that is sluggish circulation. If you increase your circulation, running for 30 minutes a day, elevate your heart rate, you’re going to have better blood flow and you’ll have less dark circles.”

3) The best tool to remove makeup mess-ups are pointed Q-tips.

“Everyone’s like, ‘How do I perfect my wing?’ The answer is pointed cotton buds.” 

Want more? Watch the whole stream below and see Sir John’s expertise in action:

If you want more Sir John, check out his site and his Instagram account. He’ll also be hosting a Master Class in NYC during Fashion Week.

Ok ladies, now let’s get in formation.

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